Watch your body melt away

by Joyce Bingham

Take a smidgen of our seaweed extract – allow your body to fast track into weight loss, you’ll never do without it.

A few crystals, costing a fortune, dissolve on my tongue in a salty tang. My salivary glands erupt and I drool down my gym top. I can’t edit my image more – I need to polish it for real. Slimming seaweed makes the difference @flattummySharleen smiles from my screen. I want to change to become a new me, a wonderful me, a me I will like. 

You will feel molecules detach and move out of your body, skittering away like crabs under the rocks. I’m conscious of my body becoming taut, clothes fitting better. Love month promo @flattummySharleen. Shopping for smaller sizes, 8,6,4. Wardrobe bulging with imprints of me, then and now. I blitz the dreary me, the monochrome me, the me I hate.

Imagine your svelte body emerging from the roaring surf, the sun shining on your beach-ready body.

I lose a few minor toes, it doesn’t affect my balance much, I can wear those luscious high heels now. Kidneys come in twos, the remaining one shouldn’t be too overworked. Waist-training corsets @flattummySharleen. I need to be more of the nano me, the miniscule me, the me I can love.

Relax in the knowledge that you will swim with the dolphins admired and adored in your teeny bikini.

I need a liver transplant, the weight of the old organ subtracted for the weight of the new. Find yourself @flattummySharleen. The hospital bed grates on my un-cushioned bones, but I thrill to the beat of my heart, I want to be unencumbered of adipose tissue. Adoring the biochemistry of me, the molecules of me, the atoms of me.

Joyce Bingham is a Scottish writer who enjoys writing short fiction with pieces published in Ellipsis Zine, FlashBack Fiction, VirtualZine, Funny Pearls and Free Flash Fiction. She lives in the North of England where she makes up stories and tells tall tales.