How to submit

Submissions for Issue 7 | ANIMAL are open through 27 September 2024. For updates, please follow us on Twitter and/or Instagram – and be sure to check out Duotrope for the details. In the meantime, you can have a look at our basic submission guidelines below.

The important stuff 

  • We only accept original, unpublished work. If your work has already appeared in The Woolf, please wait two issues before submitting again
  • Only work sent through the official submission platform will be considered.  
  • No name or identifying information should appear on the piece you’re submitting (we review the work blind).   
  • Simultaneous submissions are encouraged, but please withdraw your work pronto if it has been accepted elsewhere (and if so, congrats!).
  • Submissions are and will remain free. While submitting, you’re welcome to toss something into our tip jar to help us offset expenses – it’s always appreciated.
  • While we can’t pay contributors at this time, we promise to promote your pieces once the issue goes live and nominate the best work for international awards where we can. (In fact, this micro from Issue 1 was selected for the Best Microfiction 2022 anthology.) 
  • Despite our name, any reference to wolves or Virginia Woolf could raise our hackles – so proceed with caution.
  • Finally, please don’t send us work that makes us question our faith in this already fragile world – stuff that’s gratuitously sexual, overly violent, discriminatory, vile or just kind of morally repugnant. And since we apparently have to spell this out: no animal cruelty.  

Rights and terms 

  • By submitting your work, you grant us first electronic rights and non-exclusive archival rights. After first publication, you retain ownership rights. If your work later appears elsewhere, we’d love a credit for the first publication.
  • Small editorial adjustments to accepted submissions may be made in the name of clarity and flow. For more significant changes, the author will be contacted. All other editorial decisions, including art direction, are the domain of The Woolf and final.     
  • We reserve the right to remove contributions from the website without notice.

What we’re looking for


  • Microfiction: <100 words (up to 3 pieces in one document)
  • Flash fiction: <1000 words 
  • Short story: <2500 words
  • Creative nonfiction: <2500 words
  • Prose poetry: <300 words


  • Photography: up to 5 images, with an optional max. 100-word statement
  • Illustration/design: up to 5 images, with an optional max. 100-word statement
  • Film: max. 30 seconds, with an optional max. 100-word statement
  • Format: 12-point legible font, double-spaced (except for poetry), single space between sentences, no PDFs
  • File name: title of the piece or, for microfiction, the first piece
  • Image format: JPEG or PNG, 100-150 dpi, landscape preferred, 1200px wide
  • Film format: MPEG 4 or MOV

-Submissions deadline: 27 September 2024-